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Book: The Rainbow Elephant

Book: The Rainbow Elephant


Pachyderm (noun): a very large mammal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus

Prismatic Pachyderms is an interactive analogy that explains the impact of those living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through the world of elephants.

Sarah has observed the many traits shared by people on the spectrum and elephants. Both are fragile, sensitive wonders of this world who experience high levels of anxiety and require the love, guidance and support of their family herd to help them navigate their way through life.

Sarah has drawn on her childhood experiences growing up in Africa and her family’s experiences with ASD to create this inspirational while deeply personal exhibition.

Sarah will also launch her illustrated children's book 'The Rainbow Elephant'

Light refreshments provided, all welcome.

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Banana Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. 

This project was made possible by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.

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